The Periodic Table/47 - Silver (Ag)

Element Silver (Ag, 47)

Here you can read more about the chemical element Silver. Its shemical symbol is Ag and its atomic number is 47. The relative atomic mass of Silver is 107.8682 u. The elemental classification of Silver is Transition metals, and it belongs to group 11 and period 5 in the Periodic Table of Elements.

The density of Silver is 10500 kg/m3. And the mineral hardness of Silver is 2.5 Mohs. The melting point of Silver is 1234 Kelvin (961 ℃). The boiling point of Silver is 2466 Kelvin (2193 ℃). Silver was discovered in the year ca. 5000 fkr .

To the right (or below if you are using a mobile device with a smaller screen) you will find the information given above for the element Silver ordered in tabular form, which might be easier to read and use if you want to quantify it in some sort.

Data about element Silver

Chemical symbol
Element classification
Transition metals
Atomic number
Relativ atomic mass
Atomic mass
107.8682 u
10500 kg/m3
Melting point
1234 K   (961 ℃)
Boiling point
2466 K   (2193 ℃)
Mineral hardness
2.5 Mohs
Discovered year
ca. 5000 fkr